
  • Z. A. EL-FIKY Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Fayoum 63514, Egypt


Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the most ancient crops (Bedigian et al., 1986). It is grown in tropical and subtropical areas (Ashri, 1998) on 7.7 million hectares worldwide, producing four million tons of seed (FAO, 2009). The seeds contain 50-60% oil, which is highly resistant to oxidative deterioration even though oleic and linoleic acids are the predominant fatty acids of sesame oil, about 80% of its total (Arslan et al., 2007; Uzun et al., 2007). Sesame crop is well suited to different crop rotations and is mostly grown under moisture stress with low management inputs by small holders (Ashri and van Zanten, 1994). In spite of being the first oilseed crop known to man and its long history, sesame is a typically neglected crop. It is not studied by any of the international agricultural research centers (Ashri, 1998).
Genetic variation of different sesame collections has been previously reported using agro-morphological characters (Bedigian et al., 1986; Furat and Uzun, 2010; Pham et al., 2011). In addition, molecular markers, including isozymes (Isshiki and Umezaki, 1997), RAPD (Bhat et al., 1999; Ercan et al., 2004; Pham et al., 2009; Pham et al., 2011), ISSR (Kim et al., 2002), AFLP (Uzun et al., 2003; Laurentin and Karlovsky, 2006; Ali et al., 2007) and SSR (Dixit et al., 2005). Some of these techniques, such as RAPD do not require prior knowledge of DNA sequence.
It has been possible to increase the genetic variability in sesame by inducing mutations with ionized radiation, allowing isolating mutants with desirable characters of economic importance such as increased seed yield, earliness (Wongyai et al., 2001), modified plant architecture, closed capsules, disease resistance (Cagirgan, 1994&2001; Ashri, 1998; Diouf et al., 2010), seed retention, larger seed size, desirable seed color and high oil content (Hoballah, 2001).
RAPD analysis has been used to identify the DNA polymorphism induced by gamma rays in groundnut (Bhagwat et al., 1997), cypress (Ishii et al., 2003), soybean (Atak et al., 2004), sunflower (Erdem and Oldacay, 2004), Chrysanthemum (Lema-Ruminska et al., 2004), sugarcane (Khan et al., 2007), amla (Selvi et al., 2007), Baby's-breath (Barakat and El-Sammak, 2011) and physic nut (Dhakshanamoorthy et al., 2011) and detection of mutation in sunflower (Gunhan and Oldacy, 2004), grapes (Khawale et al., 2007) and banana (Ganapathi et al., 2008). RAPD analysis
was also be used for the detection of DNA damage and mutations in young Vigna radiate calli (Roy et al., 2006).
However, there are a limited number of reports on the use of RAPD markers for genetic variation studies after gamma irradiation in sesame (Mohamed et al., 1999). RAPD and ISSR molecular markers were used for tagging the dt gene regulating determinate growth habit (Uzun and Cagirgan, 2009). The only observation of DNA sequences of RAPD bands of plant species was reported by Begum et al. (2008) in Vigna radiata.
The aim of the present study is to use RAPD technique for the detection of genetic polymorphism among sesame genotypes following gamma irradiation. The produced RAPD bands from control and irradiated samples were cloned and sequenced to determine possible occurrence of base pair alterations.


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