
  • F. M. ABD EL TWAB Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University (ASU), Cairo
  • A. ABO DOMA Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University (ASU), Cairo
  • M. H. AMAR Egyptian Deserts Gene Bank, Desert Research Center (DRC)
  • M. S. RIZK Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University (ASU), Cairo Egyptian Deserts Gene Bank, Desert Research Center (DRC)


In the present investigation, we sought to assess the genetic diversity among fourteen Egyptian genotypes of Helianthus annuus using the fluorescence- based AFLP (F-AFLP) and evaluation of yield-related traits. The genome coverage was assessed using in-silico PCR analysis and the real-time PCR technique (qPCR) was used to determine gene expression of some salt-related genes. The analysis of variance for yield-related traits indicated that there were significant differences among genotypes for all studied traits (p≤ 0.01). A total of 1007 amplicons were scored across six F-AFLPs combinations with 97.42% polymorphic percentage. The results of in-silico analysis revealed that F-AFLPs exhibited the highest chromosomal coverage (0.055%) and targeted 1378 genes with the average area (75kb) covered by the F-AFLPs. Out of 1007 F-AFLP loci, only 73 outlier loci were identified as a putatively positive outlier to seeds weight loci. PCoA and KSR analysis produced propensity to four sub-population and KSR analysis appeared a strong effect in identifying migrants in clustered samples by geographical region. In the context, seven genotypes out of the fourteen were tested under greenhouse conditions on different salt stress concentrations at 4000 and 6000 ppm NaCl. We can point out that, Sohag genotype was considered as the most sensitive genotype; while Al-Buhyrah genotype was considered as the most salt tolerant one based on the combined results of the investigated yield related traits. To explorer the genetic factors behind the improved salt tolerance in selected sunflower genotypes, gene expressions of CDPKs and P5CS genes were estimated using real time qRT-PCR and showed substantial differentiation between the two aforementioned contrasting genotypes regarding salt tolerance.


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