
  • A. G. A. KHALED Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, 82524 Sohag, Egypt
  • K. A. HAMAM Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Egypt


Phenotypic traits and molecular markers analyses are very important tools for the estimation of genetic variability among genotypes. In 36 bread wheat genotypes, genetic variability and marker-trait associations were studied for 8 agro-nomic traits using a set of 101 DNA-based molecular markers (61 ISSR and 40 SRAP polymorphic markers). The results of ISSR and SRAP analyses showed similar range of the percentage of polymorphism (%P) (20 to 100%), as well as the average of polymorphic information content (PIC) which was about 0.15 and 0.16, respec-tively. Results showed that di-nucleotide repeat primers represented the highest levels of polymorphism, i.e. UBC-845 and UBC-834 belonged to (CT) and (AG) re-peats produced %P of 92.31 and 100%, respectively. While, UBC-876 belonged tetra-nucleotide repeat (GATA) produced lower level of polymorphism (20%). Re-sults of marker index (MI) showed that SRAP were more efficient than the ISSRs markers, where the SRAP technique ex-hibited higher average (1.03) of marker index compared to ISSR one (0.79). Sin-gle-marker analysis (SMA) indicated that one ISSR, six ISSRs and one SRAP mark-ers linked to the days to heading, spike length and number of kernel per spike traits, respectively. The cluster analysis based on ISSRs and SRAP data revealed similarity coefficient values ranged from 0.51 to 1.00 with an average of 0.76, and from 0.44 to 0.96, with an average of 0.70, respectively. The genotypes "L28, L29 and L30" grouped together based on ISSR and SRAP markers analyses. Similarity matrices generated by ISSRs and SRAP showed a positive and highly significant correlation (r = 0.63**, p=0.000).


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