
  • MOHAMMED A. A. HUSSEIN Botany Department, Genetic branch, Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia
  • AML M. ABO AL-SAOUD Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura


This study investigates how non-magnetized and magnetized irrigation water influence Vicia faba (Giza 716) growth traits, chromosomal structure and DNA markers (ISSR). Irrigation water passed through a magnetic field of 1000-gauss magnetron unit of 0.5 inch diameter. Fertilized V. faba with different levels (0.005% and 0.01%) of zinc or manganese sulphates were irrigated every two days with the two different water sources. Significant acceleration in seed germination and flowering times besides increased shoot length of plants irrigated by magnetized irrigation water under zinc or manganese sulphates fertilization compared to their counterpart treatments of non-magnetized irrigation water were observed. Cytotoxicity parameters as mitotic index, phase indices and total abnormalities percentages developed in V. faba mitotic cells were evaluated. As a result, all treatments showed significant increases in the mitotic index and produces several chromosomal abnormalities mostly at the concentration of 0.01% of the fertilizers as micronucleus at interphase and prophase, disturbance, micronucleus and two-groups at metaphase, bridge, diagonal, and late separation at anaphase and telophase. For ISSR-PCR analysis, a total of 117 DNA bands appeared whereases 35.04% of these bands were polymorphic. The results indicated significant decreases of GTS% with exposure to treatments of non-magnetized irrigation water rather than magnetized irrigation water. Irrigation with non-magnetized water of 0.01% fertilizers lowers the GTS by about 21.15%. Thus, it was concluded that non-magnetized water showed cytotoxic activiies and genome template instability more than magnetized irrigation water that could be used as an alternative irrigation water source that occupy simple, cost effective and ecofriendly preparation method.


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