
  • NAHID A. A. MORSI Cell Study Research Department, Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI), Agricultur- al Research Center (ARC), 9 Gamaa St., 12619, Giza
  • EHAB M. B. MAHDY National Gene Bank, Agriculture Research Center (ARC), 9 Gamaa St., 12619, Giza
  • IMAN H. NOUR Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Alexandria, 21511
  • SHAFIK DARWISH IBRAHIM Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institution (AGERI), Agricultural Re- search Center (ARC), 9 Gamaa St., 12619, Giza
  • EHAB M. ZAYED Cell Study Research Department, Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI), Agricultur- al Research Center (ARC), 9 Gamaa St., 12619, Giza


Genetic divergence and biodiversity are vital for food and agricultural use. Crop diversification has been challenged by the limited available research that investigating the genotypes and varieties of biodiversity plants. Fabaceae and Poaceae are the largest plant families in Egypt, and their members are widely cultivated due to their significant economic value. Six genotypes belong to Fabaceae [(two genotypes of Trifolium alexandrinum L.), and Poaceae (four genotypes of Zea mexicana (Schrad.) Kuntze)] were used to study the status of the biodiversity of cultivated crops using three DNA barcode markers, namely; matK, rbcL, and rpoC1 genes. The resulting data revealed that rpoC1 marker was successfully amplified across all the cultivars. Three genes had a barcode quality index (B30) above 0.50, and the best sequence quality was assigned to matK marker (B30= 0.66), followed by rpoC1 marker (B30= 0.57). The rbcL marker was successfully amplified only through Z. mexicana, while matK marker was amplified only through T. alexandrinum. The results provided a helpful evidence for biodiversity and could be used for subsequent crop improvement programs. The results showed that matK and rpoC1 markers had the best sequence quality and were convenient for enhancing many different areas of biodiversity.


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