There is an mutual benefit interaction between plants and endophytic bacteria. Plant provides food for bacteria and bacteria defend the plant from pathogen, aiding in the synthesis of phytohormone and nitrogen fixation, leading to an increase in the absorption of minerals and known as plant-growing bacteria. Endophytic bacterial isolates were isolated from roots, stem and leaves of lemon (Citrus limon). A total number of 22 bacterial endophytes were isolated. Roots have a greater number of bacterial endophytes than either stem or leaves. The most effective solution for the surface sterilization was 5% sodium hypochlorite and 70% ethanol rather than (2% - 5% - 10%) sodium hypochlorite and 70% ethanol.16s rRNA Sequence analysis performed by using the algorithms BLAST (National Center for Biotechnology InformationFor identification. Multiple sequence alignment methods were conducted using a freely available alignment program, MEGA X. 16s rRNA gene sequence similarity was used for bacterial identifications. phylogenetic trees evaluate was done by the bootstrap method with 1000 replication. Neighbors joining phylogenetic tree were created using gene bank sequence data for strains showing high percentage of similarities with our strains.
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