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EL-FIKY, Z. A., Dept. of Genetics, Fac. of Agric., Fayoum Univ., Fayoum, Egypt
EL-FIKY, Z. A., Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Egypt
EL-FIKY, Z. A., Genetics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, Fayoum 63514, Egypt
EL-FULL, ENSAF A., Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum Univ., 63514 Fayoum, Egypt
EL-FULL, ENSAF A., Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, 63514 Fayoum, Egypt
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA, Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Giza
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA F., Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC,Giza, Egypt
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA F., Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Institute, (AGERI), ARC, Giza, Egypt
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA F., Departement of Microbial Molecular Biology, Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Giza, Egypt
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA F., Department of Microbial Molecular Biology, Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Giza
EL-GAIED, LAMIAA F., Microbial Molecular Biology, Agriculture Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Giza, Egypt
EL-GAMAL, SHIMAA, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, ARC, 9 Gamaa St, Giza
EL-GAMAL, W. H., Rice Res. Section, Field Crops Inst., ARC, Egypt
EL-GEDDAWY, DALIA I. H., Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), ARC, Giza, Egypt
EL-GEDDAWY, DALIA I. H.a, Sugar Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza
EL-GEDDAWY, I. H., Sugar Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Giza, Egypt
EL-GENDY, A., Horticultural Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza
EL-GHANNAM, REEM S., Botany department, Faculty of Women for Arts, Science and Education, Ain Shams Unvi
EL-HADARY, MONA H., Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Damanhour University
EL-HADDAD, S., Genetic Engineering Research Dept. Egyptian Company for Blood Transfusion Services Vaccine Seraum (VACSERA)
EL-HALAFAWY, K., Molecular Biology Department, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Institute, Minufiya Uni- versity, Sadat City, Egypt
EL-HEFNAWY, MENNATALLAH M., October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), 6 October City, Egypt
EL-ITRIBY, HANAYIA. A., Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute (AGERI), ARC, Giza, Egypt
EL-KALAMAWY, M., Genetic Engineering Research Dept. Egyptian Company for Blood Transfusion Services Vaccine Seraum (VACSERA)

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